Our impact
Since 2020, ADRA has impacted the lives of over one million people through many projects implemented across Madagascar. Projects carry out health and nutrition, agriculture, livelihoods, education, environment, and disaster management activities.
Health is at the heart of so much of the world’s poverty and suffering. When communities don’t have enough food, when they depend on unsafe water sources, when they don’t have access to reliable health support, every life suffers.
ADRA Madagascar improves the health and nutritional status of rural communities, mainly women and children under five through:
– Training and counseling on nutrition and good feeding practices;
– Educating communities on the health of pregnant and lactating mothers, management of childhood illnesses;
– Promoting exclusive breastfeeding for children under 6 months;
– Providing complementary feeding for lactating and pregnant mothers and for under-weight children;
– Training Community Health Volunteers;
– Building capacity of public health centers;
– Promoting hygiene and hand washing, fighting against open defecation;
– Improving access to safe water by rehabilitating and constructing wells.
ADRA aims to ensure long-term food security and income generation through sustainable agricultural practices, livestock management, access to loans and markets, and improvement to fundamental infrastructure. Activities include:
– Training on agriculture, promotion of climate-smart agriculture techniques
– Training on improved animal production,
– Promotion of income generating activities
– Setting up of village savings and loan association
– Setting up of Farmer Business Associations and cooperatives
– Provision of agricultural tools and inputs
– Construction of irrigation systems
In Madagascar, one in four children of school age does not go to school and only three out of ten children entering primary school manage to complete the cycle. In addition, the precarious situation of households impacts children nutrition and cognitive capacities. Child or adult, a person with an education has an opportunity to a future that would not be possible without an education.
ADRA promotes access to education and improves quality of learning by:
– Supplying teaching and learning materials to schools, teachers and students,
– Constructing and renovating school infrastructure and sanitation facilities,
– Implementing school feeding program to improve nutritional status of students,
– Providing school supplies and paying tuition fees.
ADRA Madagascar mobilizes communities to preserve and restore the environment by implementing reforestation and natural resource management activities. Furthermore, it adopts strategies to reduce carbon emissions in its operations.
When disaster strikes, ADRA delivers immediate emergency relief to most vulnerable populations.
ADRA’s National Emergency Management Plan (NEMP) enables rapid mobilization of teams and resources to respond to humanitarian needs and gaps.
ADRA also implements disaster and risk management projects to help communities prepare, respond to, and recover from disasters.