In times of natural disasters, ADRA activates its National Emergency Management Plan (NEMP) and implements an initial response within a few days after the disaster strikes. NEMP responses are supported by ADRA Network, the Seventh-Day Adventist Church through the Indian Ocean Union Conference and Adventist Youth volunteers and BNGRC (National Bureau of Disaster Management).
ADRA also carries out emergency projects through collaboration with other donors such USAID Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA), World Food Program, and UNICEF.
AINA Emergency Relief Project
AINA project, funded by BHA since 2021, provides life-saving food assistance, agriculture support, and WASH interventions in Ampanihy District, in the Grand Sud region of Madagascar to reduce the food insecurity and address the dire water and hygiene conditions of 10,000 vulnerable households.
AINA project has three objectives:
1- To improve access to food supplies through providing commodity vouchers and assistance reducing food insecurity of vulnerable and insecure households.
2- To improve household resilience to climate shock by promoting the use of climate smart agriculture practices to support household food needs.
3- To improve access to safe water sources and supply, NFI kits and hygiene practices at the household level, thus improving the overall health conditions of affected population.


Until August 2025, in collaboration with UNICEF, ADRA Madagascar is implementing a Collaborative Project for Social and Behavioral Change (PCCSC) through a multi-sectoral response in nutrition, early childhood development, health, water, sanitation and hygiene, education, social protection and the food system.