Implementing partners: ADRA (consortium lead), FIANTSO, Agronomes et Vétérinaires Sans Frontières (AVSF), TANGO International, et FHI 360
Target population : 428,800 people ( 71,467 households)
Donor: USAID / Food for Peace
FIOVANA, meaning “change” in Malagasy, aims to achieve sustainable improvement of food and nutrition security and resilience of vulnerable populations in Atsimo Atsinanana and Vatovavy-Fitovinany regions.
Implementing areas
Vatovavy Fitovinany Region
Atsimo Atsinanana Region
Being a multisectoral project, FIOVANA has three sub-purposes:
Sustained improvement in health and nutritional status of women of reproductive age, adolescent girls, children under five;
Households income are sufficient to access food and non-food essentials and build savings;