Past projects

428,800 people (71,467 households) were targeted by the project.

- Duration: 5 years ( 2019-2024)
- Implementing partners: ADRA (consortium lead), FIANTSO, Agronomes et Vétérinaires Sans Frontières (AVSF), TANGO International, et FHI 360
- Donor: USAID / Food for Peace
FIOVANA, meaning “change” in Malagasy, aimed to achieve sustainable improvement of food and nutrition security and resilience of vulnerable populations in Atsimo Atsinanana and Vatovavy-Fitovinany regions.
Being a multisectoral project, FIOVANA had three sub-purposes:
- Sustained improvement in health and nutritional status of women of reproductive age, adolescent girls, children under five;
- Households income are sufficient to access food and non-food essentials and build savings;
- Enhanced social and ecological risk management.

Duration: 2017 – 2024
Donor: Rise Against Hunger, Latter-Day Saint Charities, ADRA International
Implemented activities
Fortified rice distribution, school garden, distribution of seeds and agricultural tools, water point rehabilitation or construction, school supplies distribution.


With support from ADRA network and ADRA Neatherlands, the CNSP and MHM projects focused on restoring, conserving, and mitigating harmful practices threatening the mangrove forests and their biodiversity in the Southwestern Region of Madagascar, and to raise awareness among the local community on the benefits of conservation and restoration of mangrove forests that have been lost, degraded, or damaged to help mitigate climate change, protect coastlines, and provide livelihoods.

Duration: 2019 – 2022
Donor: BMZ (German Federal Ministry for Cooperation and Economic Development)
Disaster and risk management, WASH social behavior change and infrastructure, agriculture.


264,380 people in 408 communities or fokontany in Malagasy, in 32 communes, were targeted by the project.

Financed by USAID from 2014 to 2019, ASOTRY project aimed to reduce food insecurity among targeted communities in the Amoron’i Mania, Haute Matsiatra, and Atsimo Andrefana regions of Madagascar.
To implement this project, ADRA partnered with Land O’Lakes (LOL) and Association Intercooperation Madagascar (AIM), both of which have extensive experience in Madagascar and expertise in food security. ASOTRY, meaning “harvest” in Malagasy, resulted in substantial and tangible improvements in malnutrition, agricultural productivity, household livelihoods and resilience by addressing the major underlying causes of food security.

ZINA, meaning ‘abundance’, was implemented from 2015 to 2019 in Ampanihy, southern Madagascar, with funding from the German Federal Ministry of Cooperation and Economic Development (BMZ).
Through agriculture, nutrition, and Disaster and Risk Reduction activities, the project worked to reduce vulnerability to climate, environmental, and economic shocks among 22,500 people identified as most vulnerable.


114,128 people benefited from HOPE project, including 16,304 direct beneficiaries and 97,824 indirect beneficiaries.

HOPE was an agricultural and WASH project implemented in 2018 to 2019 in Bekily and Betioky, two districts in the south of Madagascar, funded by USAID/OFDA.
The project contributed to reduce the impact of the drought on vulnerable families, and enabled them to engage in upcoming agricultural and livestock cycles. Furthermore, access to safe water and hygiene practices among targeted communities were improved.

ASARA was funded by the European Union, and was implemented in 21 communes of Betroka, southern Madagascar, from 2014 to 2018. ASARA aimed to improve households’ income by promoting agriculture and livestock production.
To this end, the project trained farmers on improved farming techniques, rehabilitated hydro-agricultural infrastructure, and improved access to markets and agricultural inputs for farmers.

ASARA project reached 7,389 farmers including 4,365 men and 3,024 women.